VERY RARE "The Homeymooners-Lost Episodes Bus Schedule" Cast Signed. Signers include; Jackie Gleason (Secretarial), Audrey Meadows, Art Carney and Joyce Randolph. Certified authentic by Todd Mueller and comes with their Certificate of. Which originally aired from 1955 to 1956, created.
Same name that had been part of Gleason's. It follows the lives of.
Bus driver Ralph Kramden (Gleason), his. Get involved with various schemes in their day-to-day living. Revolve around Ralph's poor choices in absurd dilemmas which frequently show. His judgmental attitude in a comedic tone.The show occasionally features more. The sketches first aired on the. Which was broadcast live in front of a theater.
The popularity of the sketches led Gleason to rework. As a filmed half-hour series which debuted on 1 October. 1955 on CBS, replacing the variety series. 2 show in the United States. Gleason's show eventually dropped to No.
Production ended after 39 episodes now referred to as the. 1956, and Gleason sporadically revived the characters until 1978. Was one of the first U. Working-class married couples in a gritty, non-idyllic manner, as the show is. Mostly set in the Kramdens' kitchen in a neglected. One of the sponsors of the show was. Principal characters and generally use fixed sets within their Brooklyn.Although various secondary characters make multiple. Appearances and occasional exterior shots are incorporated during editing. Virtually all action and dialogue is "on stage" inside the normal.